Sunday, July 21, 2013

Gain Your Website Visitors Trust

ISCOW – Gain Your Website Visitors Trust

There are a lot of cases where a well ranked website on Google does not make many sales just because their website has less detail that can make their website more trustworthy. Having a good video presentation, complete company details and nice images are just not enough to build your visitors trust. Due to lot of scam and fraud cases in the internet, visitors need to make sure the details of the website are strong enough to gain trust before they purchase on the website. One of the effective ways to make your website more trustworthy is by purchasing the online certification trust seal.

ISCOW is a professional website, which generally gives Webshop certification Trust Seal to shopper. It is an organization to provide you good shopping experience on the internet. International Standard Certification Online Webshop (ISCOW) is a webshop certification authority. This authority only gives their certificate to those shop owners who are following national and international standards to do a legal online business.

ISCOW is an authority when it comes to website trust seal certification.  It is their mission to provide safety and security in e-commerce especially in these days wherein the demand for e-commerce is ever increasing. Nowadays, the internet is infested with web shops that commit fraudulent acts such as identity theft, dishonesty with regards to selling transactions, and scams.  It is ISCOW’s job to provide certification Trust Seal to prove that a certain online merchant provides safe, secure, and reliable online transactions.  By these, consumer confidence is achieved.

Certifying business trust seal also has its benefits, and customers will trust certified businesses, which will encourage the growth of online business. ISCOW help businesses to build confidence in customers who reach them through different means such as phone, internet and mail. With internet reaching to far corners of the world, people are now adapting the new trend of online shopping through online stores or web shop. The web shop has a wide range of products with prices and complete details, and the price of the product is deducted from customer’s account.

Before a customer purchase anything from the store, the customer will always want to verify that the store is authentic, and is certified by a reputable certification company or authority. It is important to build your visitors trust. A website with a less details will not more than just losing customer every time visitors visit their website. ISCOW will help you in gaining your visitors trust and help you turn your visitors into your customers.  For more information and details, visit and register for free for your online trust seal.


ISCOW certified Trust Seal


The days of hopping in the car and driving from store to store to find what you want are still here, but they are receiving serious competition from the online shopping world. Let’s face it, not everyone wants to battle the crowds at the mall, only to find out that the style or color they wanted isn’t in stock. Shopping online can take away the frustration you feel when hitting a bricks and mortar shop, but it’s also not without its flaws. One of the main reasons that people refuse to shop online is because they either don’t trust the store or are concerned that their information will be sold or stolen.

More and more online businesses are beginning to realize that in order to pull more customers through their virtual doors they are going to have to find a way to let everyone know it is safe to shop at their establishment.  One way to do that is to become ISCOW certified Trust Seal, which helps customers identify that the web shop they are at is in fact one that can be trusted and has a history of good customer service and satisfaction.

ISCOW is an independent organization that certified online businesses that have proven to abide by all e-commerce regulations in regards security and customer service. This is not a certification that is given to just anyone, so when you see the ISCOW trust seal on the pages of a web shop, you can be sure that they are a company that it is perfectly safe to deal with. As mentioned earlier, it is not just the customer that benefits from the certification process, with online businesses also seeing great benefits from being approved.

The internet is pretty much jam-packed with business looking to provide products and services, with literally thousands of different web shops vying for the same dollar. It can be tough for the average customer to know where to turn, but a business displaying the ISCOW seal can quickly set themselves apart from the competition and place themselves as a trusted entity in the industry. That is sure to drive many more people to shop with them as opposed to the business that does not proudly display the certification trust seal.

If you are still somewhat confused by what the ISCOW certification means, try to think of it in terms of a traditional bricks and mortar store. You generally have no issues with spending your money at some of the big name chain stores, but that confidence isn’t quite there when you go to small independent stores. The one thing that can often change the way you feel about that store is seeing the Better Business Bureau seal displayed in the window. That is usually more than enough to let you know that a store can be trusted. The next time you decide to shop online, make sure to keep an eye out for businesses that display the ISCOW certification seal, as it ensures you are likely to have a great shopping experience.

ISCow Shop SEal

Trusted Shops Ecommerce

Trust Seal Shop

Online shoppinghas grown in popular over the years. As it grows and more options come to the online world, it becomes the obvious choice for many. The only issue here, however, is that it is not always trustworthy. Too often do you see people being hurt by unsafe sites that steal your identity and take advantage of oblivious shoppers. They think that they are buying something great, but they end up with huge losses. This is why it is important to have a trust seal on your shop. You want people to know that this is not going to happen with them and that they will be safe shopping with you.

Online shops arepopular, but they come with their risks. Just about anyone can open a business online, which means that just about anyone can create a scam website. These are websites that take people’s money and even identity without giving anything in return. They promise services and products, but those are never given. This is what many people fear, forcing people to go elsewhere for what they want. The problem here, however, is that sometimes you really want something online. For people like that, you need a place that is trustworthy and reliable. If you own a business online, you want to be that place.

To become atrusted online shop, you need to be certified. Safe certification means that you are a place that is trusted. You are somewhere that people can trust for shopping, some place that people can trust with their identity. Online shopping is something that stresses and worries many people, but it does not have to. By being certified, you will be able to tell people that you are a place people can visit. Their information and money are safe with you and they will receive what is promised.

A trust seal iswhat you need for safe shopping. To get that seal, you need to work with someone trusted and capable. ISCOW can help you with this and can help you to attract more people. This will give your site the boost that it needs to bring people in and to win the trust of your visitors. After all, your visitors’ trust is what you really need from the start. If they are afraid to shop with you, they likely will not, regardless of what you offer. People do not like losing money and putting their identity at risk. This is why people want an online shop that is certified and trusted.

This will attract more people than you might imagine. Safe shopping is what everyonewants, and you are telling people that is what they have with you. They can trust their information and money in your hands and they will get what they want. Regardless of what you are selling, this is what you are going to need. More visitors will put their trust in you and will purchase from your online store. This brings more business to you, and all because you took the time to win their trust. 


Certificação  ISCOW – Certificados  CIW e  CIWB

A ISCOW - International Standard Certification Online Webshop (ou em português: Certificação Internacional Padrão para Lojas Online) é uma empresa especializada na certificação de lojas online.

A ISCOW leva em consideração 5 fatores principais para efetuar a certificação de uma loja online. Os elementos primordiais nesta avaliação são: possuir bons produtos, velocidade de entrega, transações seguras, bom serviço e por último, respeito pelos dados privados de cada cliente. Para que qualquer empresa de vendas online, possa ter uma certificação ISCOW é necessário que cumpra integralmente como todos estes parâmetros.

Existem dois  tipos de certificação diferente na ISCOW: a CIW - Certified Webshop (Loja Online Certificada) e o CIWB - Certified Webshop Business (Negócio de Lojas Online Certificado). O que é representa a certificação da ISCOW para um negócio? Qualquer uma das certificações ISCOW, transmite aos visitantes, que a loja online que estão a visitar segue todas as normas e regulamentos que vigoram no comércio, nacional e internacionalmente. Desta forma, o cliente irá sentir-se mais confiante e seguro, o que aumenta as possibilidades que ele efetue uma compra. Ao receber o certificado da ISCOW, uma loja online está ainda a tornar-se parte da rede ISCOW, aumentado assim a sua visibilidade e o seu estatuto online.

Quando uma loja online receber uma certificação ISCOW, irá ter a certeza que o seu volume de negócios irá crescer, aliado a um aumento na satisfação dos seus clientes. Num mundo altamente competitivo, como o das vendas na Internet, a diferenciação positiva faz toda a diferença. E não restam dúvidas, que possuir uma certificação ISCOW irá fazer com que a sua loja online brilhe mais intensamente aos olhos dos seus clientes. 

A realidade é que os clientes confiam no certificado ISCOW. Com tanta oferta em termos de lojas online, a verdade é que infelizmente, nem todas são de confiança e isso originou uma maior preocupação por parte dos clientes. Os atuais frequentadores das lojas online, são na sua maioria pessoas conscientes e preocupadas com a temática da segurança online e dificilmente realizam uma compra, sem terem a certeza que estão perante um entidade fiável. Por isso é que tão importante, conseguir uma certificação como a  ISCOW. Este pode ser o ponto de vantagem, que fará a diferença entre a sua empresa e os seus concorrentes, colocando a sua loja online de vez, no topo da pirâmide.

E se você vender regularmente a outras empresas, um certificado mais avançado, como o CIWB irá mostrar às outras empresas, que podem confiar na sua empresa, já que ela possui um certificado de alta qualidade. Desta forma. é mais fácil estabelecer uma sólida relação de confiança entre as empresas.

O processo de candidatura para uma certificação, é bastante simples, podendo ser efetuado inteiramente online. Depois de efetuado o pedido, a sua empresa receberá todos os formulários, indicações e instruções. Caso você resolva avançar, no espaço de um mês, poderá ver a sua empresa certificada.

Não temos dúvidas, que uma ISCOW é uma vantagem imediata para qualquer negócio online. As vantagens são claras e óbvias: aumento da reputação online, maior visibilidade, maior grau de confiança por parte do cliente, mais respeito por parte de outros parceiros de negócio. Todo um universo de possíveis vantagens esconde-se por detrás de uma certificação ISCOW.